Hi there and welcome to Hayley on Holiday. I am so glad you are here! My name is Hayley Simpson and I am an Aussie travel content writer and solo travel blogger currently living the digital nomad life in Asia.
A little travel blogger background
My 20s pretty much consisted of me moving around from one city to the next and doing whatever job I could to fund my travel addiction. So far my timeline looks like this: Townsville – Brisbane – Vancouver – Melbourne – Vancouver – Melbourne – Townsville. I know, it also exhausts me just looking at it 🤣. I’ve also worked on a food truck, as a barista, at major arenas and stadiums in both Australia and Canada and even at a Christmas Market!
As for travel adventures, during my 20s I lived overseas, spent three months travelling across North America solo, travelled to Bali about seven times, finally visited every Australian state and territory, and did two separate three-month solo trips around the UK and Europe.
I started this blog after I graduated with a Bachelor of Journalism and realised it’s really hard to find a full-time writing job (update: nothing’s changed). So I combined my two loves and Hayley on Holiday was born. I have been travelling solo since I was 18 and I am a big advocate. If I can travel the world solo and on a budget, I believe anyone can.
Why? Well, I’m introverted, I worry constantly about not meeting society’s expectations of what my life should look like, and I am so uncoordinated my old coworker created the #HalesFails hashtag. Yep, life goals right there.
Where Hayley is on Holiday today…
After a certain world-changing event, I’ve packed up my laptop and I’m back on the road. This time, I’m taking it slow and building up my freelancing business while living in Southeast Asia.
Where to begin?
If you’re new here, I recommend beginning at my Start Here page. This is where I list my top (and most helpful) blog posts. You can also visit my Press page to have a look at where I’ve been featured around the web.
For collaborations, visit my Work With Me page.
Alternatively, come say hi over on my social media channels: Facebook | Twitter | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Pinterest