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So it’s about time I updated you on my next big adventure…
Guys, it’s that time of year again – when I get itchy feet and need to break from routine. So I thought I better let you in on what’s going on in my life and where I’m off to next.
Last August, I wrote a little love letter to Melbourne after being back for six months. Things were going well. I didn’t mind my jobs, I liked where I was living and life was good. Two months later, it all began to unravel, as our landlord decided to sell our apartment so we had to move out. Fortunately, my housemate and I found a similar apartment literally up the road from our last one, and were able to move in immediately. But the absolute malarkey that followed with our old real estate agents had me in tears at work and stressed out like never before. I won’t go into it, but it made me realise that I don’t want to rent for the rest of my life. Plus, now I’m 30, I really want to have my own space. I’ve lived in share houses my entire 20s!
The thing is, neither of these things are honestly going to happen in Melbourne. So when I went home for Christmas I spoke to my parents about my options, as I was feeling unhappy. One of them – move home.
If you had told 23 year-old me that I would willingly move back to Townsville, I probably would have laughed in your face. I’ve been pretty vocal in my neutral feelings towards my hometown since I left. The thing is, I can afford to live alone in Townsville. If I’m going to start over for like the sixth time in about seven years, it would also be a lot easier to do it alongside my family. Plus, I think family time would be kind of nice after so long living away.
Like I said, it’s no secret that Townsville isn’t my favourite place in the entire universe. A Portland/Vancouver hybrid in southern Queensland would be my ideal home 😉. However, I love Magnetic Island where my parents live. And you know what? Nothing is permanent. If I’m unhappy/hate the summer too much/can’t find a satisfying job, I don’t have to stay there forever. That makes my decision a little easier.
But I think it’s going to be good. I know I’ll miss some things about Melbourne, including my friends and the neverending things to do and eat. But I’m definitely not going to miss the cramped tram rides, my job and the winters. Melbourne will always be here and I know I will return to be a total tourist at least once a year (it’s guaranteed).
However, before I make Townsville my new home, I’m going to have a little adventure (duh!).
Oh yes, Hayley is off on another holiday. I’m still in the planning stage, but I’ll be starting in Bali with my parents from the 31st July. They’re headed to Amed, which is a place I’ve never been before in eastern Bali. So naturally, I had to tag along 😏. After that, it looks like I’ll be staying on for a week to do some work for the travel app I’ve alluded to in my monthly Hayley Lately posts. Being paid to travel makes me feel like I’ve officially made it!
After some time in Bali, I’m heading back to Europe. My European bucket list is very extensive and includes places like the whole of Scandinavia, Eastern European countries I didn’t make it to last time, Malta, Portugal, Greece, etc. I’m going to give myself about three months to see as much as possible. I’ll still be working along the way (hopefully), so I’ll be slowing it down like last time and staying in certain cities for longer. I CAN’T WAIT.
So I’ve only got two weeks left in Melbourne now, as I have the movers booked in for the 1st July. They’ll be taking my stuff all the way up to Townsville, where it will hang at my awesome parents’ house until I return from my trip at the end of November. I’m also heading up to the Sunshine Coast for my friend’s wedding this weekend – lucky I don’t have that much stuff to pack up!
As always, I hope you’ll follow along on this new chapter. I’ve got to keep you guys on your toes, you know? You never know what my next move will be!
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